I am looking for a solution to authenticate users in websocket connections, based on a token.

You are using a custom router that is not based on the express.Router prototype.You have enabled options.leaveRouterUntouched, or.You will only need this in two scenarios: Sets up express-ws on the given router (or other Router-like object). Note that this list will include all clients, not just those for a specific route - this means that it's often not a good idea to use this for broadcasts, for example. You can use wsInstance.getWss().clients to obtain a list of all the connected WebSocket clients for this server. Returns the underlying WebSocket server/handler. This property contains the app that express-ws was set up on. This function will return a new express-ws API object, which will be referred to as wsInstance in the rest of the documentation. wsOptions: Options object passed to WebSocketServer constructor.You will have to manually applyTo every Router that you wish to make.

leaveRouterUntouched: Set this to true to keep express-ws from modifying the Router prototype.If you don't specify a server, you will only be able to use it with the server that is created automatically when you call app.listen. When using a custom http.Server, you should pass it in here, so that express-ws can use it to set up the WebSocket upgrade handlers. app: The Express application to set up express-ws on.This will modify the global Router prototype for Express as well - see the leaveRouterUntouched option for more information on disabling this. listen ( 3000 ) API expressWs(app, server, options) use ( function ( req, res, next ) ) app.

Var express = require ( 'express' ) var app = express ( ) var expressWs = require ( 'express-ws' ) ( app ) app.